BIBLE PROPHECY THAT ROCKS! bibleprophecythatrocks.orgDid you know there are over a hundred chapters of Bible prophecy about our free world that just had its start in the 15th century? Did you also know it was not until the last century that we saw a popular turn toward a misguided understanding and emphasis of the Bible's end time prophecies to the exclusion of a much larger body of prophecy about a growing free world? End time prophecy that by the way, did not speak about the end of a the world as we know it but the end of the first covenant age; then much later the end of the despotic ancient world measured by four empires named and dated by the Bibles prophecy. The book advertised, "The Bible's Prophecy About The Free World" goes through this largely ignored body of prophecy which will give the reader a very clear and easy to comprehend understanding of the times and seasons of the prophecy in God's supernatural book. Then you will know why despite all the prognostication of the demise of planet earth by both the religious and irreligious, things really have been slowly getting better and better in every area of life. That is, as long as you compare today's world to the world in which these prophecies where written.Isaiah 42 said this: 1:Behold my servant, [the messiah] whom I uphold; my elect, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit on him: he shall bring forth justice to the Nations. 2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. 3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: HE SHALL BRING FORTH JUSTICE TO TRUTH. 4 HE SHALL NOT FAIL NOR BE DISCOURAGED, TILL HE HAVE SET JUSTICE IN THE EARTH: and the isles shall wait for his law. In Isaiah 49:6 He says: “It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel; I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”...8 Thus said the LORD, In an acceptable time have I heard you, and in a day of salvation have I helped you: and I will preserve you, and give you for a covenant of the people, TO ESTABLISH THE EARTH, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;In Isaiah 54 we see a prophecy of the faithful illustrated as God's wife and bride called the heavenly or new Jerusalem suffering at the hands of unfaithful among their own countrymen and later the nations that conquered them. Yet the faithful are exhorted by a promise that one day they will spread out and inherit the world and the God of the Bible will some day be acknowledged and worshiped by all the nations. This is exactly what has been occurring resulting in the free world and as this prophecy predicted, the faithful are no longer be oppressed.In Isaiah 60 we see the same prophecy of the faithful illustrated as the heavenly city suffering in a world of great darkness. Yet because of the light of heaven shining upon her all the nations of the world will be converted to her and the people of all nations will build her up and no longer oppress her. This chapter is quoted by the book of Revelations New Jerusalem, also called the bride of God there, more than any other chapter in the Bible.In Isaiah 61 we see another prophecy of the messiah followed by prophecies of how his followers will build the nations and the ministry of the believers will be supported. Furthermore that God's pastors, evangelists and prophets will be made of people of all the nations. All of these prophecies speak of the great wealth and prosperity that will come to the nations because of the freedom won due to the influence of God's heavenly kingdom.Starting in Isaiah 65:17 we see the same new heaven and new earth spoken of in Revelations prophecy of the New Jerusalem. In Revelation's prophecy that New Jerusalem is God's people healing the world. Bringing it out of darkness, corruption and despotism into a free one where individuals can have the earthly promises of God fulfilled in their lives. In Isaiah 65 it is even clearer that this new heavens and earth is not a prophecy of a new physical planet but the transformation of the nations upon it. It prophesies the property rights and long life spans the free world now enjoys. It speaks about infant mortality rates plunging and people being able to enjoy the work of their own hands without fear of oppressors taking it from them. Like many other prophecies about this age it uses animals to illustrate the nations no longer warring with one another along ethnic lines but laying down together and doing business instead.Psalm 72 speaks about the reign of the Messiah's invisible kingdom on this earth. How the nations illustrated as mountains and hills influenced by the Biblical principle will bring peace to the people and how the perpetually poor masses in the ancient world will be rescued from oppressors into freedom and prosperity.In the New Testament we see Jesus speaking of these prophecies about this invisible kingdom of God in parables. One of the reasons he used parables was because these prophecies would not be coming to pass in that age or during the age of the last of the four gentile empires that were ruling over them at the time. In the parable of the sower we see his people beating their swords and spears into farming instruments to sow his Word into the world. In the parable of the mustard seed and yeast we see his kingdom becoming the greatest and most influential of all kingdoms on earth. In the parable of the yeast the world is the loaf of bread that his kingdom will ferment. In the parable of the laborers hired to work in the field which is the world. We see the pioneers with the gospel suffering the most but as time goes on and the influence of God's kingdom grows the suffering lessons. Eventually those that are last become the first to inherit the blessing of a free and much more just world built upon the sufferings of those who were first. Yet all receive the same heavenly reward.There is much more than that and the book does not leave out the end time prophecy which will shock and shake everyone who reads it to their core. They will find out that God foretold in 6 different places the very year the fourth empire would end which is the line of demarcation between the ancient despotic world and the beginning of the free one. They will find out exactly who the man of perdition is. A little hint. The one who destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. They will find out the names of the ten Roman emperors in Daniel and Revelation and find out who the 11th emperor in Daniel 7 is that starts the war against the saints and overcomes them. Note* He IS NOT the one who destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. They will even find out that the number 666 is the time period in years between the beginning of the age of the four gentile empires until the end of the old covenant age when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. Best of all you will find out that this next prophecy began to be fulfilled upon the fall of the 4th empire when for the first time in human history the Bible, (illegally) began to make its way into the hands of the general public for them to read themselves. That was what empowered mankind to start to win the freedom promised through the strength and power of the truth, God's providence and God's miraculous power. The terrible ones in this passage are kings, dictators, emperors, world conquerors and oppressors.Isaiah 29: 18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness. 19 The meek also shall increase [their] joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. 20 For the terrible one is brought to nothing, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off:You will never question the Bible is of supernatural origin again and the truth of what God has planned for the future, written in these chapters will empower God's saints to overcome the evils they face today, just as they have overcome much greater evils in the past.
There are over a hundred chapters of Bible prophecy about a growing free world before the book of Daniel ever uttered a word of end time prophecy. A world in which kings and emperors, dictators and warlords, are being brought to nothing. A world in which there is no more legal slavery and the earthly promises of God made to a hundred generations of saints, unfulfilled in their time, could finally begin to come to pass. This simply could not occur in the ancient despotic world where the poor masses had little to no control of their temporal or even their eternal destinies. The prophecies you will read about in this book promised an era of conditional freedom and prosperity for many nations. They promise God’s people who live in these nations will be free from the fear of oppression, and that they will be able to raise their children as they see fit. They promise the nations and peoples most influenced by the Bible and its principles will be the dominant nations in the world, just as they have been for the last 500 years. None of this occurred when the Messiah came, or with the end of the first covenant age and the horrible destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. In fact, it got even worse for true believers after that. It certainly did not occur when European empires and kingdoms began to claim Christianity. This all began to occur in a specific year prophesied in Daniel and Revelation, and for a specific reason. The journey you take through “The Bible’s Prophecies about the Free World” is going to change your life and rock the world around you. Nothing will ever be the same.“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him,” (1 Corinthians 2:9).Order your copy today!The Bibles Prophecy About The Free World |
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